首页迈迪观点 十问十答 | 宝洁十亿美元品牌的品牌资产体系(中英文原版)

十问十答 | 宝洁十亿美元品牌的品牌资产体系(中英文原版)

发布时间:2021年04月01日 更新时间:2021-04-01T00:00:00

『 1 』

Question: How can great WHO choices Improve the WHAT?

WHO and WHAT choices are an iterative process. In reviewing the T15 equity pyramidswe have found that those with better WHO choices achieved the following :1)more emotionally or experientially influenced brane characters, 2)morespecificity to their POP/PODS with emotion and feeling linked to the functionalpromises. 3)a more seamless equity pyramid with more emotional or experientialelements consistent throughout pyramid sections versus being a collection ofindividual elements .



■ 在品牌心智或体验上更加影响品牌个性的感性资产;
■ 目标消费者对品牌POPs利益点(point ofparity品类兼有利益点)/PODS差异化利益点(point of difference品牌特色利益点)的理性认知理解更具体明确,基于品牌功能性主张的情绪感知更丰富。
■ 越是严丝合缝的品牌金字塔定位,品牌资产就越是消费者的心智要素,而非若干语词的拼凑集合。

『 2 』

Question: My communication needs to be broad enough to appeal to a large segment of thepopulation in order to achieve my business goals. Since feeling equities arepolarizing how can I use them with such a broad target ?

We are finding that in fact the opposite works. In identifying and utilizing thefeelings/emotions relevant to a smaller inspirational target you will attract abroader audience. Net, in saying something deeply relevant to a smaller groupyou connect better with a broader group versus trying to stand for somethingthat Is bland /generic (such as"confidence”).The trick is to identify an inspirationaltarget which will lead to this connection point. This can be different by brand-for some it may be those consumers who use the brand in an extreme way(e.g.fanatical Gain users even wash their pets with Gain to get more of the scent).For others it may be those who only use thebrand under certain circumstances who hold the key to inspiration(eg I only useTide when I have an extremely dirty load), for others there may be a segmentthat is aspirational to a much broader audience in general (eg. in finefragrances).


实际上,情况恰恰相反。品牌资产越是基于小众心智的锋利性,越可以吸引更广泛的大众。总之,当品牌诉求越与目标小众群体丝丝入扣,越能与更广泛的大众消费人群建立恰当的关联,而不是平淡中庸地言之无物(如: 泛泛而谈“飘柔就是这样自信”)。



『 3 』

Question: How do Iknow when the top of pyramid is good ?

The top of the pyramid is"what you want to stand for in the target’sheart/mind”. Criteria to evaluate are :

a)drive preference amongstrategic target ,
b)distinctive to competition,transcending building blocks to unify and differentiate the brand
c) define the shoulders of the brand to provide breadth

This said it seems that there are three current broad ways of tackling the top ofthe pyramid:

◆  The most important POD. Example Cover Girl: Positively Fresh andEasy Beauty.
◆ A provocative articulation of the 2-3 most important ideas oftenboth the functional and emotional . Exampe Betty Crocker: Home Made Made Easy,Nike: Authentic Athletic Performance ,
◆ A higher order promise that builds on but transcends the specificbuilding blocks. Example Tampax . Invisible Protection, Always: Frees you toenjoy life as a woman every day .



b) 独树一帜:区别竞争,突出统一化和差异化的利益点
c) 责任担当:界定品牌所肩负的责任,以提供广度。


◆ 最重要的POD升华(point of difference品牌特色利益点)。例如,封面女郎(COVERGIRL品牌名):清透简单之美。
◆ 富有感染性地整合2-3个重大亮点,可兼具功能和情感。例如:贝蒂妙厨(Betty Crocker罐头食品的北美知名品牌):家常便饭更轻松;耐克:真正的运动在表现。
◆ 更高的境界性承诺主张,则可超越所有的具体品牌元素堆砌。例如,丹碧丝(Tampax 妇女卫生棉条品牌名):看不见的保护;护舒宝(Always,即Whisper):自由女生,天天尽享人生。

『 4 』

Question: Shouldbrands be encouraged to measure the Top of Pyramids ?

Yes,BUT. Tops of pyramids cannot be lifted from the equity document and placedverbatim into Equity Scan because they are written in strategic not consumerlanguage-eg. Olay"Where skin amazement begins ”.

Brands should identify what consumer friendlyattributes are good surrogate composites for the top of the pyramid. Forexample, Olay measures the top of the pyramid "Where skin amazementbegins"by tracking four Equity Scan statements:

—Gets me compliments about my skin
—Makes me feel good about my appearance
—Makes me feel good about myself
—Makes me confident




○ 赞美我的肌肤
○ 让我对自己的形象感觉良好
○ 让我对自我感觉良好
○ 让我自信

『 5 』

Question: Feelings are highlycorrelated to market share yet are vastly underrepresented in pyramid choices.How do I incorporate"feelings "into my equity choices?

The strongest brands have both head and heart elements. Examples are Coke, Disney,BMW. Nike, Apple and  Louis Vuitton.There is a huge opportunity to enhance our ability to define and measure thefeelings territory brands want to own. For perspective, less than 25% of P&Gtop I5 brands in the US are strongest on feelings vs. 50% are strongest onperformance. What is clear is that brands need to havehigh scores on performance and imagery attributes before they can pretend toplay in the feelings territory. But while performance and judgment areessential they are not on their own sufficient, as the brands with the highestmarket share also have the symbiotic duality of delighting the head and the heart .






『 6 』 

Question: Should Imeasure feeling attributes?

Yes. We do need to make choices about whatfeeling territory we want to play in and then read over time our progresstoward getting there. This does not mean though that we identify a categorydriving feeling and just add this to our brand pyramid.

First, we need to identify a specific, ownableand distinctive feeling our brand can own in the hearts of our strategictarget.

Second we need toarticulate a number of surrogate phrases that together would likely revealprogress towards desired goal.

Owning a feelingis more ethereal than owning a functional benefit and we need to acknowledgethe complexity behind it and devise the questionnaire with caution andpsychological sensitivity.

Examples are SKII-"enriches your soul, helping to make you feel rewarded and renewed,Folgers "prepares you to embrace the day "and Bounty"helps youresolve tension around spills and messes ".






例如SKII-"丰富你的灵魂,帮助你感到有犒赏和焕新,Folgers福尔格斯(咖啡品牌)”, "准备好了,拥抱这一天"和Bounty(厨房纸巾品牌)"帮助你解决意外和混乱 "。

『 7 』

Question: Should weinclude Value as a POD? If so shouldnt all brands have this in their pyramid ?

We are seeing a need for brands to have a very strong focus on value especiallywith strong rise in oil prices, interest rates and the deflationary environmentin Western Europe/Japan. Given our traditional premium performance-premiumpriced business model we do think it appropriate to encourage brands to have aspecial focus on their value rating.



『 8 』

Question: BrandCharacter ratings don't drive preference so what value does it add and howshould I manage to maximize brand equity strength?

The value of brand character is in its differentiating ability-good characterscreate a differentiated image .This explains why the characteristics of a greatbrand character are a)decisive b)distinctive and c) inspirational to thecreatives. Brand character isn't a driver of preference because it isn't atangible consumer benefit.

However, it is part of a brand's intangibleimagery value that helps consumers to distinguish a brand from the thousands ofothers that compete for mind and awareness space .

Weak Characters are vague, contradictory, and generic Strong Characters cause aperson to come to mind (Clever, Lighthearted & Irresistible- Charmin),sometimes have duality that creates distinctively(e.g. Playful  Goddess- Pantene; and impact all aspects ofthe brands work design, product, communication e.g. Pampers - Joyful,Genuine, Insightful )







『 9 』

Question: how do weprovide for adequate stretch while ensurin brands spanning categoriesremain  rooted to their core?

If abrand is looking to move into new categories, it should identify a"Transferable Point of Difference" (TPOD), that POD which isCURRENTLY OWNED and is meaningful in the new categories. The brand needs to ownthe TPOD in order to be able to use it to move. The key here is that it needsto be currently owned and important to address an unmet need in the newcategory and therefore effective in helping succee  in new category.



『 10 』

Question: How do Icapture the equities of brands that span multinle categories and benefits ?

The equity pyramid should capture the unifying elements at the core of the brand.The cluster matrix should capture the specific POP/PODS necessary for eachcluster to be successful as well as the key brand POD beingdelivered via each cluster. Brands that compete in multiple categories such aslams, Olay, Pampers, Bounty , Swiffer, Mr Clean, Crest should do this.Brands that have many variants but only compete in one category such as Tide,Cascade, Charmin and Downy should use a strategic communication matrix

